Application Essay Advice

The college application essay is an essential part of the college admissions process. In your essay, you have the chance to show the admission officer who you are, what you are about, and what you can do. Everything in the application essay should demonstrate what you can do when you have the time to think and the time to write an essay. This guide will give you a number of college application essay tips to help your application shine.

Don’t be Afraid to Show Who You Are

It is extremely important when you write the application essay to be yourself. This is admissions officers’ primary recommendation and you need to take it to heart. But what does “being yourself” actually mean in a college application essay? You should share your thoughts, feelings, and personal stories that tie in with your personality.

Be Focused

The best examples focus on a small number of stories and personal attributes while still having a clear structure, logical progression, and narrow focus. The reader must have an idea to follow from beginning to end and your introduction should be able to demonstrate what the whole essay is about.

Start Your Application Essay as Early as Possible

The earlier you start your application, the more time you will have to think about what you’re writing. You need plenty of time to proofread your work and to get friends and teachers to help you do this.

Don’t Rely on Clichés

Students commonly rely on stock phrases and cliché feelings and themes, such as “I want to help people and make a difference” or “I want to achieve to the best of my abilities.” These examples are obviously good but there is no need to state such obvious and widespread themes. It’s always better to be original and use your own voice. Rehashing the opinions of others or catering to what you think the admissions people want to hear is never good.

Tone, Content, Style, and Structure

The tone of the college application essay needs to be semi-formal. However, don’t be too rigid and formal with your language yet keep in mind that your writing needs to sound professional. You have the freedom to choose a structure that suits your writing style but you should not include lists such as grades, skills, and abilities. You should never overwrite either because the fewer words you use to get the point across the better. Never forget that there are many formal essay rules, such as word count, format, and sometimes topic that you should keep in mind.

Do your best with your application essay but if you have any difficulties with your writing, don’t hesitate to get our help.