Tips For College Application Essay Success
Even those topics that seem boring can actually make great college application essays. Learning how to write the college application essay is tough because your two main goals are the following: Persuading the admissions committee that you should be admitted and showing them what an intriguing person you are.
What you should know is that you cannot really find a step-by-step tutorial on how to write a really good college admission essay. Regardless, here are some tips for college application essay writing that can be helpful.
Always Answer the Questions – Even if you follow the best possible tips, you won’t get admitted if you don’t answer the obligatory questions.
Stay Original – Although a topic might seem boring, it can still be quite interesting when you approach it creatively.
Be Yourself – The admissions officer is interested in your writing ability and in you as a person. You have to write about something that is meaningful, which makes the essay unique.
Never Thesaursize –Using really big words overzealously will not make a great essay. Students often try to do this to sound smarter but it comes across as anything but. Instead, use sophisticated words but just incorporate them within your own writing style so that it sounds natural.
Use Clear Imagery and Vivid Prose –An application essay should always have these two elements to make your experience that you’re writing about comes alive for the admissions committee. That’s why it’s a good idea to try to incorporate all five senses.
Spend Time On the Introduction – The committee will most likely spend around 2-3 minutes to read your essay. That’s why the introduction has to grab their interest from the very start. Never summarize in the introduction. Just try to imagine why the reader wants to keep reading the essay after the introduction, which is why it should create intrigue or mystery. Never let the first sentence highlight the subject matter and try to raise questions so your readers are compelled to read further.
Link between the Body and the Introduction – If the introduction is not linked with the following paragraphs, it will be awkward.
Use Transitions – Transitions are used to connect the paragraphs into a logical flow. This includes avoiding keyword repetitions and progressing the main idea.
The Importance Of Conclusions – The last chance you have to persuade and impress your readers is in the conclusion. Avoid summarizing since these essays are short and you don’t need to remind the reader about what was written 300 words before. It’s also good to avoid stock phrases that can come across as cliché. Expand on the discussion’s broader implications or consider linking the conclusion to the introduction so that you achieve balance. Redefine previously used terms and don’t use a famous quote, even if it is relevant. Instead, you can frame the discussion within a larger context or highlight why the topic has widespread appeal.
Do Something Else – Writing too much in a short period of time can be tough. That’s why it’s good to give yourself a week’s break, which can help you see your draft from a fresh outlook.
Give the Draft to Others – Ask editors, teachers, friends, or parents to read your draft and ask for their honest opinions. They should easily understand what the essay discusses and should see varied sentence structure. Clichés should be avoided and your transitions should make sense. Ask them the following: Do you need more imagery or is there sufficient use in the essay? Is your essay memorable? Are there any parts that are unclear or that need elaboration? Is there a part in the college application essay that does not support the main argument or is completely immaterial? Are all the sentences crucial to the essay? Could someone else have easily written your essay?
Keep Revising – Since you cannot use as many words as you want, use them wisely. Delete parts that are not absolutely necessary, check for transitions, and make sure that the conclusion is memorable. Always look for grammatical mistakes several times and spend a good amount of time editing.
Professional Essay Editing – If you cannot properly revise your essay, ask a professional. Remember that the college application essay is too important not to edit properly. Getting professional help, even if you have to spend a little money, can be a very wise investment.