Tips On How To Write College Application Essay Successfully
Let us see how you can learn how to write college application essay easily. All that you have to do is use this 3 steps process that will help you out a lot with all college application essay prompts.
Entrance into a college is quite difficult and there are many applicants that will apply for a short number of spaces. Is it possible to improve the chances that you have over your competition? If you write perfect application essay prompts, your chances will be much higher.
You can even just write 500 words and still increase your chances dramatically. Writing a personal essay will show a lot about yourself and the admissions committee will understand why you are unique. It will offer information about the personality of a person, information that cannot be highlighted through extracurricular interests, grades or test scores.
The essay can be used to describe favorite activities, can be personal to some extend and you can even write about your pet. What is important is to write in a way that is appealing and that makes you stand out of the crowd.
How can you write perfect college application essay prompts? Here are the tips for college application essay that you have to always consider.
The 3 Steps Process For Writing Successful College Application Essays
Step 1 – Brainstorming Ideas
The chosen subject is basically the essay’s most important part. You should allow yourself around 1 to 2 weeks to brainstorm ideas. Consider some points when brainstorming for ideas. This session will help you to find subjects that you never thought about before.
Your goal is developing new ideas. At this stage of the process you should never rule out an idea. Think about the following questions and see if they help you to develop college essay subjects.
What do you think your major accomplishments are and why do you see them as accomplishments? Never limit this to accomplishments that were formally recognized. Some of the most interesting essays ever written were based on topics that were not important when they happened but ended up being life changers.
Is there a skill, quality or attribute that distinguishes you from all other people? How was this attribute discovered?
Think about your favorite movies, music albums, books and so on. Are there any that influenced the quality of your life? Why are these favorites?
What was the toughest moment you went through and why did that happen? How was your life perspective changed because of the difficulty?
Was there a moment when you were faced with something that seemed impossible and you managed to overcome the struggle? What was the recipe for success? Alternatively did you try really hard to achieve something and fail? Maybe that changed you.
Out of all the possible world activities, is there one that you would like to do right now? Think where that would happen and what person, dead or alive, would you want to be with? Such questions help you to see the person that you love the most at the moment.
Was there an epiphany moment that you experienced? What is the strongest and most unwavering of all your personality traits? Maybe you have a really strong belief or adhere completely to a rare philosophy. What do friends think of you? What would a friend write if they would write the admissions essay for you? What are the most important of the community or extracurricular activities you did? What was the reason why you joined the activities and do you still want to contribute?
Where do you see yourself in the future? Are there any things, accomplishments or people that you would need in 30 years? How does a particular university help you achieve your dreams?
In the event that the questions mentioned did not help you in generating a suitable number of ideas for the essay, try some exercises:
- Ask Help From Friends, Colleagues, Parents And So On
- Think About Your Childhood
- Consider Role Models
- Reading Admission Essay Examples
- Determination
In the event that you cannot characterize your personality traits or yourself, there is always the chance that your friends or family members can help you. Just ask them to write down 5 things that they like about your personality. Also, ask why these things were written down. Maybe there are some life experiences that would help you to illustrate particular traits that were highlighted.
As a matter of fact, it is obvious that the admissions officer does not care about your childhood and will want to learn more about the last 4 years of life. However, it is a good idea to consider childhood because there might be some moments that inspired interests you still have today. An interest that started during childhood can lead towards a defining part of your life. As an example, if you loved math when you are little and you want to now study medicine, this might be incorporated inside the college application essay.
Most of the applicants have no role models and they cannot say that there is a person that influenced their life. If you do have one, you might want to talk about it. It is a good idea to incorporate the person and admired traits in the application essay.
Before writing poems you need to read what other poets wrote. In a similar way, before you write an admission essay, make sure that you read some samples so that you can see what some applicants chose in the past.
Ask yourself why it would be important for you to spend the next years of your life in a college, professional school or graduate schools. Is the degree a necessity to reach the goals that you have? Think broadly when you consider your goals. There are not many that just want a career. Think how education can help you to have a fulfilling life.
It is not a shame if you are still left without ideas. It takes time to get a very good idea and you should consider all exercises and questions that were mentioned above. If you lack a topic that you have a passion for, a topic that brings out interesting parts of your personality, there is a risk that you will sound like the majority of the applicants that will write uninspiring and boring admission essays.
There is just one way to write a completely unique essay. You need to use experiences that will support the topics that you think about. Never let essays stress you and have fun during this brainstorming process. In some cases you will end up learning something about yourself.
Step 2 – Select Your Essay Topic
Step 3 – Tips For College Application Essay