Oct 3rd 2013

List of gadgets to make students lives easier

Students Gadgets

In our fast-moving world, the field of technology seems to outrange all other spheres. All aspects of our life have been influenced by its development. Students’ lives are not exception. It’s hard now to imagine how students can cope with their assignments without such inventions as Internet and thumb drives. However, technology has gone much further and now has plenty of options to simplify studying process. So, now we are going to examine more thoroughly what is on offer.

The first device has already gained enormous popularity with student body. It is tablet PC. There are hundreds of applications for these gadgets, developed specially for students’ needs.

The second one is an incredible invention a portable scanner might be. With its help, you’ll have any image at your command whenever you want.

portable scanner

If you want to doodle and draw in a proper way, then you’re in extreme need of Wacom Bamboo Tablet Pen. Moreover it’s very convenient to mark up PDF-files which contain circles and highlights. So, if you constantly have to deal with documents of this format, it’ll sand you in a good stead.

Wacom Bamboo Tablet Pen

And what about Livesribe Pulse Pen? This magic pen records everything you write or hear during the lecture. Being used in a right way, it will amazingly help you.

Livesribe Pulse Pen

E-readers can do a good service, as well. Having this one, you won’t have to schlepp loads of books in a bag anymore. Everything can be stored there.


And have you heard about laptop cooler? This very helper will prolong the operation period of its battery. And while typing you won’t feel the heat from your computer anymore.

laptop cooler

Really, technology changes our lives for better. Let’s hope that everything mentioned above is only the beginning!

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